Part 12: Update X - Goondalf the G(litched)
Part X - Goondalf the G(litched)
Might as well keep the double-post update streak going. Our journey to see new people and treasures continues!

Neese: No, I don’t. I don’t see what hacking up Sha’ahoul and voreworms has to do with a thousand crown-a-day shipping service. So now I have to wait out my term before I can go back.

Neese: A voyage of self-discovery, of course. That’s what my father always says, and I’m tired of hearing it. I’m so /angry/ about this whole batch of nonsense.

It’s tempting to lay the fashion beat down the first option offers, but we’ll just ask this guy for news… for now.

Neese: Okay, well, I heard that lately, Anora’s been feeding us some sort of inappropriate foodstuffs.

Neese: Neither do I. I try to stick to a mostly vegetarian diet nowadays. It might do you well to do the same.

We’ll come back to this guy in a bit. For now, the Inner Keep’s blacksmith is nearby, and surely has items of great power to offer us!
Oh yeah, speaking of items of great power, I forgot which chest I got these from, but they’re nice!

Tempest: Well, I used to make fine weapons and armor. They used to say that your sword wasn’t worth the metal it was made of unless it was forged in Tempest’s fires! I thought that becoming a retainer for the royalty around here would be a smooth job. Instead of making grunt’s swords and armor, I could use my particular talents to hone a fine Officer’s Blade, to make armor fit like a glove and look like a trophy, but…

Tempest: [He snorts derisively.] Oh, I’m making armor fit like a glove, all right… My duties nowadays include mostly letting armor out for knights who have become soft. That’s why they stuck me up here close to the Royal Quarters, so those tubby fluff-balls wouldn’t have to walk far to get their armor refitted.

Tempest: [He snorts, and laughs.] No, it’s not, and that’s just the thing. Look at me! I used to have arms as thick as tree trunks, and a stomach like a washboard. Now I’m developing a gut, myself, and my arms are losing tone. It’s disgraceful! I need some REAL work to do. I want to start the fires back up and hear the sweet song of the anvil again!

Tempest: Yes, actually, but I want to work with something more exoti—

Tempest: Ah, yes, the arrival of the reinforcements. I pray they don’t arrive to find us all stir-crazed drooling lackwits.

Tempest: One more every day, it seems.

Sadly, he doesn’t have anything for sale, so we must move on.

Tracy: Mah name’s Tracy, sir, ‘n ah’m from Aratoy. Ever since ah was young, ah’ve wanted to be a soldier. Mah ol’ man was a fighter, and his before him, so ah figure ah fit into the scheme of things by birth. Just ask the other soldiers who the second bravest fighter in Avalon is!

Tracy: Whoever you’re asking, of course! [smiles]

Tracy: That’s right, ah even learned a few things from Cynric. He’s a great fighter, and likes to teach. Ah know he’ll teach you a few tricks if you’re nice to him… Which mainly means that you can listen to him pat himself on the back without making any rude comments. But then, ah do the same, and you’ve heard me out so fa—

And see him presently we will, because Cynric is another TP trainer!

Cynric: I see your point, but you could have made it in a more civil tone.

Cynric: You’d better believe it, sir! As a matter of fact, I noticed your scars and I’d wager you can fight much better than the younglings they let out of the training yard. If you’re interested and have the experience, I can teach you a few techniques that I’ve figured out over the years that might just save your life.

Yes, Cynric is the Scout trainer for this chapter. We’re starting to feel the crunch of not enough TP. Body Control is fantastic, but we need to save for the Mage trainer, so we go with just Advanced Camouflage for now. That reduced Restriction will help us a lot.

Maris: Not a lot. Same old guard duty.

This is definitely one of the instances where we need the 15 Perception and 15 Charm I mentioned before. Having at least that gives us the middle dialogue option.

Maris: Oh, a few days ago. Why do you ask?

Maris: Uh… Oh? Wuh… why is that, sir?

Maris: Well, well. Listen to you. Tell me this, then, oh clever one. How is it you can envision the Sha’ahoul being defeated? I don’t see it, and I have a good imagination. They will destroy these walls, come spilling over the wreckage, and commence the carnage. I just happen to be one of the few who will survive, because, you see, we struck a bargain with Mithras—

Maris: Right, but my part in the bargain will be done long before the fall of Avalon… And now there is the matter of you. Your continued existence is a threat to—

The idiot draws on us, even if we have a full party. It’s pretty much over before he can even attack.

The worst part is, he only has generic crap loot.
We do get 5 Training Points for outing the traitor, but the implications of them being in the Inner Keep? Oh dear… How many of the people we’ve talked to so far are also traitors!?

For example, that guard who was sleeping could have been pretending he was asleep to allow the Sha’ahoul to pass by his route!

Esmond: I’m not here t’ watch any doors or be involved in th’ fighting. My worth is placed in somethin’ I can’t control.

Esmond: That’s the beauty of it. My commanding officers described my job as… Well, I’m to be a lucky charm. No harm’s ever befallen me. People stopped asking questions ‘bout it a long time ago. The Goddess herself watches over Esmond, they say. I was Oriam’s four-leaf clover. Now they’re trying to find a use for me.

Esmond: Oh? Immediately after that… an Ahoul spearman on horseback nearly ran me through. His horse stumbled… on th’ plains!... and his spear fell enough t’ sink harmlessly into the dirt at my feet. His horse fell in th’ /opposite/ direction, away from me, and th’ spearman himself landed in a crumpled heap, breakin’ his neck… on a bale of hay! By that time, th’ Ahoul had been routed.

Esmond: Well, my commander never believed I was so lucky until he saw what happened on th’ field. He began asking m’ family many questions about me, and in the end, he believed in my luck. I was t’ be the odds-breaker, all right. So they brought me here. I s’pose they think my luck will wear off on them, or bless Avalon, or something.

Esmond: See, that’s just th’ thing. I’ve been tired a lot lately… I’ve never needed so much sleep before. It’s like I’ve got t’ sleep all th’ time. I know I’ve the wasting disease. Not even the Goddess’ own luck can save me now. It’s kinda like she realized she made a mistake, making me so lucky, and now I’ve got to go, to maintain some cosmic balance that will keep humankind alive.

Esmond: As a matter of fact, there is. I played poker with a soldier named Tracy the other day. Now, knowing my luck, I shouldn’t’ve played with him, but he was so rude, saying I was a flightless barnfowl, and that I didn’t know how to play… He kept losing, and I really should have drawn the line when he put his father’s ring down on the table, but he demanded another chance to double-or-nothing it, so…

Esmond: Thank you, sir. If you’ve th’ time, please stop by and let me know what happened.

We can sell this for like 20 crowns, but the Training Points available from doing the quest are worth way more.
Hey, we’ve met someone named Tracy!

Tracy: He can’t be that ill, ah saw him just th’ other day. He just doesn’t sleep well, that’s all.

Tracy: Thanks t’ you, sir.

Tracy: Ah’ll do that, sir. Thanks for your suggestions.

Esmond: Thank you so much… I don’t know how to repay you. Oh, hey. I visited Brother Crosby and he says th’ quality of my sleep’s been suffering. He gave me an herbal tea to take care of th’ problem, and I was so eager to try it that I had a sip. It put me to sleep for an hour, but that scant hour’s worked wonders. At last, a good night’s sleep is only hours away! [He sighs with relief.]

Okay, maybe they're not selling us out the Sha'ahoul... yet. We’re clearly not in our right minds, so let’s get some fresh air and head out to the Inner Bailey.

There are lots of merchants here, closer to where the rich people are. Most of them don’t have much of note, but a couple do offer some interesting equipment.

This guy offers three different items, Quivers of Ice, Fire, and Lightning, that give arrows elemental damage (Cold, Heat, or Electric, respectively). Semi-useful if and when we end up using a bow. They're 500 crowns each.

And this one has a pretty powerful robe, for a whopping 800 crowns.

We can definitely save up for this, but we’ll have to give it to Phelic’s Apprentice because of the Strength penalty. He should never be swinging his weapon anyway, but we will have to use ours plenty.

The gardeners have random angry messages if we walk over the flower beds here.

Horsie! Hopefully he doesn’t get eaten.

Burgess: You know, I’m not really sure. Some kind of meat, definitely, but I couldn’t say what kind. When I asked her, she said it was just something she found down in the cellar.

Ah, so that’s what Neese was talking about. Gotta admire Anora’s resourcefulness, at least!

Nice statue in the middle of the garden. Now let’s just skip across the flowers again to where more people are--

(The game can sometimes fail to load the gardener messages above their heads in a way that locks up the entire thing. No keys work, and moving the cursor just spreads the last texture it was over. Thankfully, in Chapter Two and beyond the game autosaves at the beginning of every new map, so we won’t lose much progress.)


-yet and that makes me capable of command.

-didn’t see me.